Thursday, June 19, 2008

Using a Steam Shower

Using a Steam Shower
(reprint of 5th March 2007)

A steam shower can be used both with or without the steam function operating. When using the steam function in a steam shower, there are many factors to take into consideration for a safe and relaxing experience. There is no right and wrong way to use a steam shower as every person is different and every person has their own personal preferences. However, there are a few things you can do to help make your steam shower experience safe and exhilarating. Below are a few pointers on using a steam shower.

Steam Shower Preparation
Drink Plenty of Water Before Using a Steam Shower: It is a good practice to keep hydrated all the time, drinking about 8 pints of water per day to replace and top up the water in the body. The importance of drinking sufficient water before using a steam shower is even greater. Thirty minutes before using a steam shower drink plenty of water to ensure you are well hydrated. This is beneficial on two levels. It is good to keep hydrated during the steam shower and it is also good to keep the bodies water supply topped up. The body is 70% water, therefore it's vital to keep hydrated to perform sharp mentally, physically and to remain in good health. It is said that a 2% drop in bodily fluids is the main cause of daytime fatigue highlighting the importance of hydration before and after a steam shower session.

Pre-Heat the Steam Shower: If you like to enter the steam shower when it is hot (around 30ยบ Celsius), activate the steam function in the steam shower ten minutes before you intend to use it. If you wish to enter the steam shower as soon as the steam is switched on, it is unlikely you will be able to reach a temperature that is as high as the pre-heated steam shower.

Using the Steam Shower
Enter the Steam Shower quickly: If you are entering a steam shower that has been pre-heated it is important to enter the steam shower quickly to avoid heat loss. When the steam shower doors are opened, steam will escape. The longer the steam shower doors are left open, the more steam will escape, resulting in a cooler temperature within the steam shower. Be quick to get into the steam shower, however don't be so hasty that you slip or hurt yourself.
Steaming up: While you are in the steam shower you will notice your skin will become wet. Some of the moisture on your skin is from sweat and some from the water vapor in the steam, which rests upon your skin. Oftentimes this water vapor rests upon the hairs of the arms which gives them the appearance of being white. Some people prefer to sit while others prefer to stand while steaming up.

Radio: You can activate the radio and listen to your favorite radio station while relaxing in your steam shower.

Aromatherapy: Depending on the mood you are in, you can add 5 drops of aromatherapy oil onto the steam outlet. The aromatherapy oil is caught up in the steam, dispersing the aroma throughout the steam shower. Take deep breaths in through your nose and your entire orifice will be relaxed or enlivened, depending on the aromatherapy oil used. After approximately five minutes one could add a few more drops of aromatherapy oil to top up the dissipated aroma fragrance.

Shaving / Exfoliating: The steam shower is an excellent place to shave and exfoliate. The steam loosens dead skin making exfoliation easy using a loofah pad. Shaving in a steam shower is effortless. Men who don't like to shave because of the discomfort will find a shave in the shower a joy. Apply shaving cream to the face (the shaving cream should be left outside the steam shower as it is a pressurized canister). When you start to shave, the blade will glide over the skin removing the hair, almost as if it wasn't there. Some men have said that the best shave they have ever had has been in a steam shower. Women who shave their legs can also reap the benefits of shaving in a steam shower.

Cooling down / Washing off: After 15 to 30 minutes, or the pre-determined length of the steam session, turn the steam function off. Turn the shower on and change the temperature of the water so it is cool to cold. Shower in the cool to cold water to cool the core body temperature and wash the hair with shampoo and conditioner. If you would like to steam for longer, just turn the steam back on. Typically it is also possible to have the steam and the shower on at the same time.

Finish: Open the doors and the steam will billow out. It is good to open up a window if there is one as this will assist the bathroom and steam shower extractor fan in demisting the bathroom.
After the Steam ShowerAfter using the steam shower it is recommended to have another glass of water. This will ensure you are well hydrated, replenishing all the water lost from the steam shower session. If you don't drink enough water before and after a steam shower session you may get a headache or feel faint.

Article Provided By: Di Vapor UKUsing a Steam Shower